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Child Support

A child support investigation is an investigative procedure used to determine whether or not a parent is paying his/her child support obligations.
The purpose of a child support investigation is to collect evidence regarding the amount of child support owed and the ability of the non-custodial parent to pay. In order to conduct a child support investigation, the investigator must obtain court authorization. This may be done either by filing a petition with the court or by obtaining a warrant. Once the court authorizes the investigation, the investigator begins gathering information. Information gathered during the course of a child support investigation includes financial records, tax returns, bank statements, credit card bills, utility bills, medical bills, etc.
After collecting all relevant documents, the investigator prepares a report summarizing the results of the investigation. If the investigator finds that the non-custody parent owes back child support, he or she submits the report to the court.
Quinn & Associates Confidential Investigations can track down the parent and make certain that their responsibilities regarding their obligation are fulfilled by providing court-admissible evidence.
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