Infidelity in a relationship can be devastating. Suspecting that your partner is cheating on you can cause a lot of emotional turmoil. Sometimes, the signs of cheating are obvious, but other times, they are subtle, and it can be challenging to prove that your partner is cheating. 

This is where an infidelity investigator comes in. This blog post will explore how a private investigator proves infidelity in a relationship:

What Is an Infidelity Investigator?

An infidelity investigator is a professional who specializes in investigating suspected cases of infidelity or cheating in relationships. They are hired by individuals or couples who suspect that their partner may be cheating on them. 

Infidelity investigators use various techniques such as surveillance, background checks, and computer forensics to gather evidence of cheating.

They also provide their clients with a detailed report of their findings, which can be used in legal proceedings or in confronting their partner. The goal of an infidelity investigator is to help their clients find the truth about their relationship and make informed decisions about their future.

What Do Private Investigators Do to Prove Cheating in a Relationship?

Here are some of the techniques investigators do to determine if a person is cheating:


One of the most common techniques used by infidelity investigators is surveillance. This involves following the person suspected of cheating and documenting their activities. The investigator will observe the person’s behavior, who they meet, and where they go. They will also record any physical evidence, such as receipts, that could be used to prove that the person is cheating.

Background Checks

Another technique used by an infidelity investigator is a background check. This involves investigating the person suspected of cheating and looking for evidence supporting the claim. The investigator will examine the person’s past relationships, employment history, and financial records. They will also look for any criminal records or other red flags that could indicate that the person is cheating.

Computer Forensics

In today’s digital age, many people communicate and conduct their affairs online. An infidelity investigator can use computer forensics to gather evidence of infidelity. This involves analyzing the person’s computer, phone, or other digital devices to look for evidence of cheating. 

The investigator may be able to recover deleted messages, emails, or photos that could be used as evidence.

Proving Infidelity

Once an infidelity investigator has gathered enough evidence, they will work with their client to determine the best course of action. Sometimes, the evidence may be enough to confront the cheating partner and end the relationship. In other cases, the evidence may be used in court as part of a divorce or custody case.

It’s important to note that proving infidelity can be challenging. 

Infidelity investigators must follow strict ethical guidelines and ensure that the evidence they gather is admissible in court. They must also be prepared to testify in court and defend their methods.


Infidelity in a relationship can be devastating, but an infidelity investigator can help. They use various techniques, including surveillance, background checks, and computer forensics, to gather evidence of infidelity. Once they have gathered enough evidence, they will work with their client to determine the best course of action. 

It’s important to remember that proving infidelity can be challenging and that an infidelity investigator must follow strict ethical guidelines. 

If you suspect that your partner is cheating, it may be worth considering hiring an infidelity investigator to help uncover the truth.

Don’t let doubt affect your decision-making process. Trust in the skilled infidelity investigators at Quinn & Associates to reveal the truth and guide you through what comes next. Contact our team today to arrange a private consultation!